Wheely good turn

THE Inner Wheel Club of Pakenham is raising money for Motor Neurone Research, a cause close to our hearts and a project we have been working on for over 18 months.
Local councillors, politicians and candidates for upcoming elections were challenged to be “iced”, or donate to our cause! We were delighted with the positive response that this challenge presented and with lots of excitement and a fair amount of excess ice and water the challenge took place at Cardinia Life last Saturday.
We had a very positive response with Crs George Blenkhorn, David Young and Collin Ross rising to the challenge. They were joined by Brian Paynter and Gary Blackwood, (in full suit and tie!) Dr Malcolm McKelvie also participated, but due to time restraints he had an individual “icing” following the others. One of our own members, Mavis Herrington, had also been challenged and she was joined by another member, Joy de Jong.
Russell Broadbent, Brad Battin, Edward O’Donohue and Cr Brett Owen were unable to attend but sent generous donations towards the cause. Cr George Blenkhorn enjoyed the event so much he made a donation as well!
The Inner Wheel Club does appreciate the willingness of the councillors, members of parliament and candidates for giving up their time and money to support our local effort to raise funds for research.
Cardinia Life was a marvelous venue; we really appreciated the facilities and the enthusiasm and co-operation of the staff.
Also thanks to Graeme Squires from Pakenham Trophies who struck special medallions for the occasion and Peter van Diemen from Pakenham Produce who provided the buckets.
We hope to raise over $1000 from this event which will go directly to researchers at the Florey Institute in Melbourne.
Alwyn Williams, Secretary,
Inner Wheel Club of Pakenham.