It’s not fair

WHY should I pay high rates on a property I don’t own, but only lease? My wife and I decided to move to a retirement village to ensure a safe and harmonious lifestyle in our latter years. Within months my wife’s health declined so much she needed to be moved to the aged care facility. So we live apart, with significant impact on our plans and financial budget.
Why has the Cardinia Council refused to award retirement village residents a reasonable discount to their rates? What other properties in the shire have attracted rates when the resident does not own a title on the property? This seems to me an unethical revenue raiser aimed at the elderly who can ill afford extra taxes at this late stage of life.
I have paid rates and taxes throughout my lifetime and never complained, but feel the rates charged to retirees in villages is grossly unfair. I urge the councillors of Cardinia to reconsider the issue of providing a discount to our rates when they start the new budget process.
Many Cardinia residents will be watching with interest, not just residents in villages.
Bill Clark,
Shanagolden Village,