Ripe for a kicking

THE review of the Andrew Bolt program by Danny Buttler (Gazette, 24 February) begs for a kicking.
What emerges from his tirade of incomprehensible bile is that Mr Buttler doesn’t like what Bolt has to say, nor his manner of saying it.
He is even critical of the production values of Bolt’s program, not even having the grace to note that this essentially shoestring program regularly outnumbers the audience for the lavishly produced ABC “Insiders” hosted by Barrie Cassidy who would be a much more appropriate recipient of criticism for political bias.
It is not surprising that Bolt excites the rage of every wet behind the ears Lefty as he has been a one-man abattoir for the slaughter of the Left’s favourite sacred cows.
His painstaking factual exposition of the falsity of much of the hysterical scaremongering by the climate change carpetbaggers has been his greatest contribution to the economic welfare of Australia, by building the political climate that allowed the removal of the idiotic legacy of the disastrous Labor Government, the completely futile carbon tax.
His exposure of the noxious myth of the Stolen Generation has infuriated the self-loathing politically correct breast-beaters. However his challenge to Robert Manne (breast-beater in chief) to produce just 10 verifiable members of such a generation, has gone unanswered. And in every case that such a claim has been tested in court, not one instance has ever been established.
The answer of the Left is not to engage in debate or present facts to rebut Bolt, but to use the coercive power of our absurd anti-discrimination laws to persecute him and shut down discussion.
I am sure Andrew Bolt does not need my protection, but it irritates me when such a giant of journalism is assailed by pygmies, even if their poison darts are ineffectual.
Michael Houlihan,
Nar Nar Goon.