Learning grows for food hub

The produce was clean and local.

AN INSATIABLE love of gardening, a concern about food miles and a passion for local are just some of the drivers behind a food hub founded in Korumburra.
Women on Farms West Gippsland members learned so much from their July visit to this community enterprise.
Grow Lightly Connect is a not-for-profit company that benefits the local community.
It was established through the vision and skills of Gil and Meredith Freeman who were formerly teachers from Melbourne.
Their retirement to the country led to their becoming leaders in the practical application of the principles of organic horticulture and the reduction of food miles.
They believe in the importance of fresh, seasonal food being available locally with minimal environmental costs to produce.
They also value assisting the local economy.
The South Gippsland Shire has given support with the lease of a central building at a reasonable rental.
Philanthropic foundations have helped fund amenities to improve the centre.
Now this is a hub for the collection, packaging and distribution of excess fruit and vegetables grown in the area.
Grow Lightly is always on the lookout for growers in southern Gippsland who will be able to supply foods.
To date there are about 50 such growers on the books.
All food donated or sourced wholesale is grown within 80 kilometres of Korumburra.
There is a simple motto of ‘clean, fresh, local’.
Further, hub members share a view that organically produced food should not be elitist and thus should be as affordable as possible.
For a fixed price per bag, purchasers receive a seasonal mix of food items that have been sourced from local organic growers and small scale producers.
Up to 40 bags per week are packed by volunteers.
Thereafter there is a clever network to ensure delivery of the bags at maximum freshness.
Apart from the vegie bags and the on-site sale of seasonal produce, the hub is expanding into workshops, newsletters and an effective website.
The Freemans’ original vision now includes ideas for more innovations.
Some WOF members felt that the Grow Lightly food hub is a model that other Gippsland communities could follow.
Women of all ages are welcome to join Women on Farms.
The key criterion is an interest in farming and farming women.
There is no need to be actively farming to participate.
For more details contact secretary Jean Irvine on 0429 488 156 or visit www.womenonfarms.org for the monthly program.