It’s Jodie by a vote


COUNCILLOR Jodie Owen has defeated Councillor George Blenkhorn by just one vote to become the 2015-2016 Mayor the Shire of Cardinia.

Only two councillors nominated for the position, with both required to present three-minute speeches before the vote.

During her speech, Cr Owen promised to bring “fresh, balanced and passionate” vision to the council, while Cr Blenkhorn said his knowledge of council’s finances would be an advantage.

Councillors Moore, Young and Baxter voted for Cr Blenkhorn while councillors Owen, Lempriere, Wilmot and Ross put their support behind Cr Owen.

Cr Blenkhorn offered the new mayor his full support before the vote, and congratulated Cr Owen following her win.

Outgoing Mayor Leticia Wilmot draped the mayoral robes over Cr Owen, whose sons Blake and Aidan were watching on.

At the conclusion of the meeting the incoming mayor said she was grateful the the opportunity to take on the role.

“I’d like to thank all my colleagues for their support,” she said.

“It is a great honour to serve as Mayor of Cardinia and I look forward to a busy year ahead.”

As is custom, outgoing mayor Leticia Wilmot was unanimously elected deputy mayor for the coming year.