‘I’m finally here’ at St Clare’s

Excitement, joy, a few tears and a sense of adventure were some of the features of the first day for Foundation students at St Clare’s Catholic Primary School in Officer.

The students walked along the red carpet and under the archway of balloons where they were welcomed by the Principal, Ms Helen Staindl and Deputy Principal, Mrs Gabrielle Verstraete.

Each of the 88 Foundation students was presented with a medal of St Clare as a reminder of the school namesake and charism. This is one of the mementoes that children keep of their time in primary school.

One Foundation girl excitedly proclaimed on her first day at school, ‘At last this day has come. I’m finally here!’

St Clare’s School now has an enrolment of over 550 students. One of the major developments for this year is the completion of the substantial landscape works to incorporate further sport fields and playgrounds. The school continues to go from strength to strength.

St Clare’s Primary School is offering private school tours. Please phone to book a tour 5940 6777 or email enrolments@stclaresofficer.catholic.edu.au