Christmas among the trees

Neil Cranston trimming the trees. 256595_02

The Dandenong Christmas Tree Farm in Officer offers up a sea of green that stretches across the paddocks in all directions.

Owner Neil Cranston and his fellow pruners are hard at work cutting the trees into their iconic shape.

Neil is tall, towering over the Christmas trees he prunes, and he is easy to spot among the rows of trees as he wields his Swiss-made machete with finesse.

The Dandenong Christmas Tree farm was opened 60 years ago by Jim and Lorna Boucher. Neil was introduced to the family by his in-laws and began working on the farm, which sparked a lifelong affiliation with the Christmas tree.

In 2000, Neil took over the name of the farm and moved operations when the original farm was forced to move because of the construction of EastLink.

You can visit the Officer farm at 336 Brown Road, Officer or buy a Christmas Tree online at