Healing haven

Mrs Kaye Cheesman - Be-OK Counselling.

Be-Okay Counselling was recently relaunched in Drouin at the new home of Kaye Cheesman.

Be-Okay Counselling offers Person-Centred, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Strength based Counselling and Music Therapy for relationships, depression and anxiety.

It is an absolute privilege helping people, especially within the local communities. Making people feel at ease so that they can talk freely is a vital first step to healing emotional pain.

The owner Kaye Cheesman has been studying for 10 years to achieve a Diploma of Counselling and is close to completing her Degree in Psychological Science. She enjoys using a combination of what she has learned through study, working at Lifeline, and lived experience when helping people.

Kaye is trained through the AIPC, Australian Institute of Professional counsellors and her legal governing body is the ACA Australian Counselling Association. Kaye is not registered for Medicare rebates or Private Health funds yet, however; she is able to access NDIS through alternate Therapies. Music for Therapy.

COST: The first 30 minutes are free with no obligation. If you wish to continue, each hourly session will cost $90.

Be-Okay Counselling


0400 141 990

Trading hours, 9am to 6pm

Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays