Jim inspires kids to new heights

Jim Asimakopoulos at Pakenham Hills Primary School last week with       students Alec, Johno, Naomi, Nick and Bree.            Picture: Meagan Trotter.Jim Asimakopoulos at Pakenham Hills Primary School last week with students Alec, Johno, Naomi, Nick and Bree. Picture: Meagan Trotter.

By Paul Dunlop
JIM Asimakopoulos has inspired students at Pakenham Hills Primary School to see life in a new light.
Jim, who has cerebral palsy, spoke to children in grades four, five and six last Wednesday. He spread his highly regarded message about the powers of positive thinking.
Students were told to focus on the ‘can’ not the ‘cannot’ and responded enthusiastically to the man who has made so much of his life despite the difficulties of disability.
Jim pioneered the Department of Education and Training’s abilities education program and has delivered over 4000 presentations to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, TAFEs and universities, Rotary, community and sporting groups.
Pakenham Hills assistant principal John Legione said students were greatly impressed by their guest. Mr Legione said children were still talking about Jim days after his visit.
“He is great, the kids really, really loved it,” Mr Legione said.
“I’ve worked with him for 13 years and he never ceases to amaze me.”
Mr Legione said the emphasis on positive thinking supplemented the school’s You Can Do It program and highlighted the importance of students getting along with their classmates.