Councillor fined for calling Tyler an idiot

By Sarah Schwager
A COUNCILLOR’S quip at Casey’s chief executive was the last straw for his colleagues at last Tuesday’s council meeting.
The councillors voted to fine Four Oaks Ward councillor Paul Richardson $200 after he called CEO Mike Tyler an “idiot”.
Cr Richardson then refused to withdraw the remark despite the insistence of his council colleagues.
The comment came after councillors voted to pay for some of deputy mayor Rob Wilson’s expenses when he travels to Malta this month for a waste management conference.
Cr Richardson spoke about overseas travel before taking his seat, but was then heard by fellow councillors and the press calling the CEO an idiot.
Fellow councillors were quick to jump off their seats and call a point of order.
Cr Richardson’s outburst followed a string of heated remarks directed towards other councillors during the evening’s proceedings.
Cr Wilson, who was chairing the meeting in mayor Kevin Bradford’s absence, ruled that the comment made by Cr Richardson was defamatory.
This is not the first time Cr Richardson has been in hot water.
In February, councillors voted to write to the executive director of Local Government Victoria advising of its concern that Cr Richardson had breached the Local Government Act by releasing confidential information to the media.
This matter is still under investigation.
Councillor Mick Morland said Cr Richardson made defamatory remarks towards councillors every week and it was about time he was held accountable.
“He has been warned numerous times,” Cr Morland said.