By Paul Dunlop
RESIDENTS are about to decide the make-up of new councils for Cardinia Shire and Casey.
And the one certainty is that there will be changes.
At least three of the current Casey councillors and one Cardinia councillor are certain to be missing when the new councils are declared early next week.
Depending on the outcome of the polls to be decided this Saturday, a host of other new faces is possible.
Casey mayor Neil Lucas and councillors Ben Clissold and Brian Oates did not seek re-election.
Their colleagues Kevin Bradford, Lorraine Wreford, Rob Wilson, Roland Abraham, Wayne Smith, Angela Dunleavy, Mick Morland and Colin Butler are among almost 60 candidates seeking a place on the 11-member council.
In Cardinia Shire, all seven of the current councillors are seeking re-election but the recent redistribution of ward boundaries means not all will be re-elected.
Four councillors, mayor Garry Runge, Leonora Cox, Kate Lempriere and Bill Ronald are among 10 candidates seeking one of three seats in the new Central Ward which takes in the growth areas of Pakenham, Officer and Beaconsfield.
Tracey Radford, David Drinkwater, Tracey Radford, Brett Owen, Ian Farrell, Cathy Harbison and Cheryl Billing-Smith are contesting Central Ward.
A total of 23 candidates are standing for the seven places on Cardinia Shire Council.
The seven Cardinia Shire wards have been reduced to four in a move that has added further spice to the campaign.
Bill Pearson, Ted Owen, Graeme Moore and Cr Helen Ward are contesting Bunyip Ward.
In Port Ward, Cr Doug Hamilton has been opposed by Philip Murphy while a seven-way contest in Ranges Ward sees Noel Ridgway, Cr Graeme Legge, David Nickell, Ed Chatwin, Matthew Wood, Carla Gates and Keith Ewenson vying for two seats on council.
Enrolled voters are reminded by the Victorian Electoral Commission to vote immediately if they have not already done so.
Ballot papers must be received by 6pm on Friday, 25 November.
“Voters must post their completed ballot paper in the reply-paid envelope or, if it’s too late to post their vote, deliver it to my office in person,” VEC returning officer Bob Neal said.