IT was celebration all round for Berwick Calisthenic Club as teams began their competition season this month.
Members of the club competed in the Longbeach Competition held in Frankston over the end of July and start of August.
The tinies, subjunior, junior and intermediate sections won their competitions and the senior section were runnersup.
Club publicity officer and mother Maryanne Graham said the girls had performed exceptionally.
“It is an exciting time for Berwick with all teams placing so well, and the girls and their coaches are looking forward to the rest of the competition season,” Ms Graham said.
Upcoming competitions include the Calisthenic Victoria State Titles and the prestigious Royal South Street Competitions at Ballarat.
Ms Graham said Berwick Calisthenic Club had been teaching calisthenics to girls in the Berwick and surrounding areas for the past 37 years.
“Calisthenics is a uniquely Australian sport that combines the finest points of sport and art,” she said.
Classes are held at the Masonic Hall in High Street, Berwick.
Anyone interested in joining can contact the club president Melinda on 5944 4010.