Wheels turn over for another year

Left to right: Joy Board, Betty Ritchie, Pauline Morris, Alwyn Williams, Anne Sheean, Donna Cobelli, Helen van Diemen, Sue Blenkhorn, Elaine Armstrong, Pat     Harman, Janet Hodge. Seated:    President, Betty Pritchard, District A62 chairman,     Margaret Heslin.Left to right: Joy Board, Betty Ritchie, Pauline Morris, Alwyn Williams, Anne Sheean, Donna Cobelli, Helen van Diemen, Sue Blenkhorn, Elaine Armstrong, Pat Harman, Janet Hodge. Seated: President, Betty Pritchard, District A62 chairman, Margaret Heslin.

THE Inner Wheel Club of Pakenham held its 19th annual changeover on Sunday, 17 July at the Grayn Restaurant, Pakenham.
Outgoing president, Janet Hodge spoke of the club’s achievements during the past year.
She said the club’s successful fundraising was due to the generous and hardworking support of members.
The club has raised funds, which have supported Cord Blood Research, the Clown Doctors, the Tsunami appeal, Bosom Buddies (for women with breast cancer) and locally, the Wild Life Refuges at Maryknoll and Emerald, and Care Packages for women and children in difficult domestic situations.
During the formal proceedings District A62 chairman, Margaret Heslin inducted new member Barbara Knight into the club.
Incoming president, Betty Pritchard thanked her committee for accepting their positions and offering their help and encouragement. She hopes the coming year will be enjoyable through friendship and fundraising activities.
At the conclusion of lunch and the business part of the day, members, partners and friends were entertained by Cath Connelly from Belgrave, whose playing of the Celtic harp delighted everyone.